Terms and Conditions

Updated July 23, 2024

Table of Contents


The following terms and conditions (“Terms”) apply to all attendees and/or speakers of Extraordinary Women in Tech events (“EWIT”) hosted by Avenue Code* and affiliates (“Avenue Code”) .

*Avenue Code, LLC; Avenue Code S.A.; Avenue Code Desenvolvimento De Software S.A.; and Avenue Code Portugal, LDA. 

By registering for EWIT, and as consideration for your ability to register, attend, and participate in EWIT, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following:

Changes to This Policy

These Terms apply to you from the date of publishing and until these Terms are superseded by a new version. We may update these Terms at any time.

Contact Us

We are happy to answer any questions you may have related to these Terms. Please contact us by email at marketing@avenuecode.com or by mail (attn: EWIT Conference Organizer) at:

  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code, LLC (United States): 26 O’Farrell Street, Ste. 600, San Francisco, CA 94108
  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code S.A. (Canada): 5455 De Gaspe Ave., Suite 710, Montreal, Quebec H2T 3B3, Canada
  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code Desenvolvimento De Software S.A. (Brazil): R. Antônio de Albuquerque, nº. 330, 4º andar, Savassi, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 30112-010, Brazil
  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code Portugal, LDA (Portugal): Avenida Eng. Duarte Pacheco, Amoreiras, Torre 2, 15º-A, Lisbon, Portugal 1070 102

Additional Terms

These Terms (including our privacy policy) contain the entire agreement and understanding between us in respect to EWITand supersede any other prior, written or oral agreements. You confirm that in agreeing to accept these Terms you have not relied on any representation that is not expressly included herein. However, nothing in these Terms purports to exclude liability for any fraudulent statement or act.

If we fail to assert any of our rights or require your performance under these Terms, this does not mean we have waived our rights or remedies against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with your obligations.

If a court with jurisdiction over these Terms finds that any part of these Terms is wholly or partly unenforceable, you and us agree that where possible, the court should modify the terms to make that part enforceable while still achieving its intent. If any part of these Terms is determined to be invalid or illegal, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall remain in effect and full force.

These Terms are personal to you. You agree not to assign or transfer your rights or obligations under these Terms to anyone else without receiving our prior written consent. We may assign or transfer these Terms without your consent by providing you with notice.

You and us agree that no agency, partnership, joint venture, or employment is created as a result of these Terms and you do not have any authority of any kind to bind us in any respect.

You agree that the only way you can provide us with a legal notice is at the address(s) set out in the “Contact Us” section above. We will send all information related to EWITthe Conference in electronic form to as the email address you have provided at the time of  registration. 

You and us agree to attempt to resolve any disputes arising out of these Terms before resorting to litigation. In the event of disputes, the following jurisdiction conditions must apply:

  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code, LLC (United States):

These Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any proceeding relating to these Terms or the subject matter hereof or the relationship of the parties will be brought only in federal or state court in the County of San Francisco, California, and each party hereby generally and unconditionally submits to and accepts the jurisdiction of such courts.

  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code S.A. (Canada):

These Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the province of Quebec, Canada, without regard to its conflict of laws principles. Any proceeding relating to these Terms or the subject matter hereof or the relationship of the parties will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the province of Quebec, Canada (district of Montreal), and each party hereby generally and unconditionally submits to and accepts the jurisdiction of such courts.

  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code Desenvolvimento De Software S.A. (Brazil):

These Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Brazil, with the jurisdiction of the city of Belo Horizonte/MG being elected to resolve any doubts and/or omissions that may exist in this Terms, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.

  • For EWIT events hosted by Avenue Code Portugal, LDA (Portugal):

These Terms will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Portugal, with the jurisdiction of the city of Lisbon, Portugal being elected to resolve any doubts and/or omissions that may exist in this Terms, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction.

Privacy Policy

We are committed to protecting your personal information. Avenue Code will act as the data controller for the personal data collected in connection with the Conference. We may share your data with partners as necessary for the execution and enhancement of EWIT, always in compliance with applicable data privacy laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the Brazilian General Data Protection Law (LGPD) and others that might apply.

These Terms include and incorporate by reference our Privacy Policy, which explains the types of information collected, stored, shared and processed in connection with EWIT, how and why we use such information, who we share it with, and your legal rights.


Avenue Code is dedicated to providing an enjoyable, respectful and safe EWIT  experience for all attendees. With this in mind, we expect all participants, whether attendees or speakers, to conduct themselves in a professional and appropriate manner. 

We do not tolerate bullying or harassment of event participants in any form. The Avenue Code Code of Conduct, as well as all its conduct policies, including the Zero Means Zero policy, apply to all EWIT events and all participants are subject to them. If you have any question or doubt about these documents, please contact Avenue Code in order to receive the material, which will be available at the Event. 

We reserve the right to take any and all appropriate actions, including expelling such participants from the EWIT event with no refund, if we determine within our own discretion that a participant is harassing, bullying, threatening, or otherwise causing harm to other participants or to the hotel venue.

Photography, audio and video recording

You consent to Avenue Code using any photos, video or sound recordings, or other media recorded during EWITof which you may be a part (“Personal Media”) for media outreach efforts, promotional campaigns, various publications/communications, or other business purposes as determined by Avenue Code. You irrevocably grant to Avenue Code all right, title, and interest in the Personal Media without additional payment or consideration and promise not to assert any claims or bring any legal or similar action against Avenue Code or its successors, assigns, or licensees in connection with its exercise of the rights granted by this term.

Health and Safety Acknowledgment

We will implement preventative health and safety measures to help ensure the well-being of all participants during EWIT. All participants are required to comply with the health and safety measures implemented by Avenue Code, including the ones related to COVID-19. Intentional failure to adhere to these measures may result in removal from the EWIT event.

However, we cannot guarantee that participants will not be exposed to or affected by any infectious diseases or health risks. By attending any EWIT event, you voluntarily assume the risk and responsibility for any potential exposure or health-related issues.

EWIT Materials

Materials shared or distributed at or in connection with EWIT (“EWIT Materials”) are intended for information purposes only. do not provide any guarantees, conditions or warranties that the EWITMaterials are complete or accurate and do not accept any responsibility or liability for reliance by you or any person on any aspect of EWITand/or EWITMaterials.

All intellectual property rights (“IP”) in and to EWIT and the EWITMaterials are owned by us, our related companies, and/or the EWITsponsors or speakers participating in EWIT. You agree not to record, reproduce, modify, distribute, license, perform, publish, create derivative works from or use the EWITMaterials for any reason not specified in such material.

Force Majeure

It is possible that EWIT event may be canceled or postponed at any given time due to a “Force Majeure Event”, including (a) power or server outages or issues (b) update or maintenance periods (c) acts of God, flood, drought, earthquake or other natural disasters; (d) epidemic or pandemic; (e) terrorist attacks, civil wars, civil commotions or riots, war, threat of or preparation for war, armed conflict, imposition of sanctions, embargo, or breaking off of diplomatic relations; (f) nuclear, chemical or biological contamination or sonic boom; (g) any law or any action taken by a government or public authority; (h) collapse of buildings, fire, explosion or accident; (i) any labor or trade dispute, strikes, industrial action or lockouts; (j) non-performance by suppliers or subcontractors; (k) interruption or failure of utility service and/or (l) electronic or communications failure. We will try to notify you of any cancellations or postponements as soon as reasonably practicable. 

We will not be liable to you for any costs, damages, or loss caused by any Force Majeure Event apart from refund of the registration fees. 

Limitation of Liability

You acknowledge and agree that views expressed by speakers at or in connection with EWITare their own and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for any advice given or views expressed during or in connection with EWIT. The EWIT event does not constitute legal, financial, professional, medical or tax advice and cannot be used for such purposes. We expressly disclaim any liability or responsibility for usage of, implementation of, impact from, or communications of the ideas or discussions presented by any attendee, speaker or other participant at EWIT.

To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, our total aggregate liability arising under or in connection with the performance or contemplated performance of the Terms is limited to the total registration fees paid by you to us. Nothing in these Terms purports to exclude or limit liability for any fraudulent statement or act or in respect of any liability that cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.


You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold us, our related companies, affiliates, third-party service providers, and our respective employees, contractors, agents, officers, and directors harmless from all claims, liability, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees, that arise out of or are related to any breach of the Terms by you or any other liabilities we incur that arise out of your attendance or participation at EWIT.


Special Needs Requests

You are responsible for advising us at the time of registration or at a reasonable time before the EWIT event of any special needs or adaptations you may require at EWIT.

Registering on behalf of another person

If you are registering on behalf of another person it is your obligation to make sure that the person attending is aware of these Terms and accepts them. By completing and submitting the registration form you are representing and warranting that you have made the person attending aware of these Terms and that they have accepted these Terms.

Ticket Conditions

The EWIT event is free of charge, but the attendees will be subject to a selective application process. Each attendee inscription will undergo a selective process, and tickets will be allocated based on various criteria determined by the organizers. Please note that mere act of inscription does not imply the guarantee of the ticket. 

We reserve the right to change the registration conditions at any time, including but not limited to the selection criteria, registration process, and any associated requirements. Any changes made to the registration conditions will be communicated to registrants in a timely manner.

The tickets you receive are for your own personal use and may not be transferred, sold or used as part of any promotion or competition. Selling or otherwise transferring your ticket in a manner that is not in accordance with these Terms will void the ticket. If there is any sale or attempted sale of any tickets (or any other breach of this term), we reserve the right to cancel the relevant tickets with immediate effect.

Changes or Cancellation of the Event

Circumstances beyond our control may require us to substitute, alter, postpone, or cancel the content, format, panelists, venue, timing, or other details of EWIT. We will try to notify you as soon as reasonably practicable of any substitutions, postponements, or changes by posting the updated information on EWITwebsite. We reserve the right to make any changes at any time and will not be liable to you for any costs, damages, or loss related to such changes or cancellation apart from refund of the registration fees (if applicable).

Use of Image

By attending our events, you consent to the potential use of images featuring you in post-event publications, both online and offline. If you have concerns about your image being used, please contact us, and we will promptly remove it upon your request. Your privacy matters to us, and we respect your preferences.

Speakers, Sponsors And Exhibitors

Views expressed by any speaker, exhibitor, sponsor, or partner at the Event are their own. Avenue Code shall have no liability for advice given, views expressed, or advertising by any speaker, exhibitor, sponsor, or partner at the Event or in any material provided to attendees. Attendees should be aware that they will have access to and may be exposed to advertising and promotional materials from various sponsors and partners during the EWIT events. Avenue Code does not take responsibility for the content of these advertisements or promotional materials.


Use of Image

By attending EWIT as a speaker or interviewee, you consent to Avenue Code conducting, recording, and producing content featuring your speech or interview. This content may be distributed on the social media profiles of Avenue Code or any of its affiliates, subsidiaries, or companies within its economic group, including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Glassdoor. 

As speaker or interviewee understand that Avenue Code may ask you questions about your name, job title, place of origin, current responsibilities, prior experiences, and other relevant information related to your job position and industry and consent to Avenue Code using this information as part of the interviews and speeches. You irrevocably grant Avenue Code and its successors, assigns, and licensees the worldwide right to use your name, physical likeness, statements, and voice in all media derived from and in any form related to the interviews and speeches. This includes production, exhibition, advertising, and promotion of the interviews and speeches and the Company. You irrevocably agree not to assert any claims or bring any legal action against Avenue Code or its successors, assigns, or licensees in connection with the exercise of these rights.

Speaker Obligations

As a speaker or interviewee, you agree to be present at the specified EWIT event. The exact date and time of your presentation or interview will be communicated to you electronically within a reasonable timeframe prior to the event.

The speaker or interviewee undertakes to prepare and deliver their presentation at EWIT in accordance with the provided brief and these Terms and Conditions. The speaker or or interviewee must warrants that the content of their presentation meets high standards and is reasonably suitable for the EWIT event and does not contain any material that is illegal, defamatory, or infringes upon the statutory or common law rights of any third parties, as Intellectual Property Rights.

Avenue Code assumes no responsibility for the content of the presentation, relying on the Speaker to ensure its appropriateness and compliance.

Hepsi Premkumar

Vice President of Strategy and Operations

Hepsi Premkumar is the Vice President of Strategy and Operations and Chief of Staff to the General Manager of Cisco AppDynamics and Full-Stack Observability. In her role, she is responsible for navigating and driving transformative and business-critical initiatives for the organization. Hepsi manages strategy, technical program management, data insights, business operations, university hiring and talent training, and internal and executive communications teams. Hepsi has been with Cisco for 15 years and was most recently the Senior Director of Cisco Cloud Networking Technical Program Management and Operations. She also serves as the Chair of Howard University’s Computer Science and Engineering Industry Advisory Board, representing Cisco.

Panel # 1


Breaking Through: The Journey from Within


This panel discussion will offer valuable insights into the personal journeys of successful tech industry leaders, their strategies for self-confidence and resilience, approaches to embracing change, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and balancing innovation with stability in an ever-evolving industry, serving as a timeless source of practical advice for aspiring professionals in the tech sector.

Rama Akkiraju

VP, Enterprise AI & Automation

Rama Akkiraju has 20+ years of leadership experience at IBM as an IBM Fellow and Master Inventor. Formerly CTO of IBM Watson AI Operations, Rama developed AI services such as Personality Insights, Tone Analyzer, Emotion Analysis, and Sentiment Analysis. She holds a master’s degree in Computer Science and an MBA from New York University.

Rama has co-authored 100+ technical papers, holds 50+ issued patents and 25+ pending, and has received multiple awards, including being named one of Forbes ‘Top 20 Women in AI Research’ in 2017. In 2022, Rama was named ‘USA Industry Innovator of the Year 2022’ by Women in AI and ‘AI Industry Leader of the Year 2022’ by Women Leaders in Data & AI (WLDA).

Panel # 2


Empowering Journeys: The Path to Tech Executives


The panel discussion is expected to provide a comprehensive view of leadership in the modern corporate landscape, touching upon personal growth, resilience, empowerment, diversity, innovation, and the challenges of digital transformation. The diverse experiences and strategies shared by the panelists will offer valuable insights for both aspiring and current leaders in various industries.

Jessica Wakefield

VP of Engineering and Operations

Jessica Wakefield is the VP of Engineering & Operations at Sony Interactive Entertainment. She leads globally diverse teams who deliver the PlayStation platform facilitating business operations, empowering decision-making, and providing crucial insights for PlayStation products and services. With over 100 million monthly active users, 47 million active subscribers and 15 million daily concurrent users for a $16+ billion-dollar business.

As a site leader and global lead for the Women @ PlayStation eNet/Employee Resource Group (ERG), she is also a notable cultural champion making PlayStation the best place to play and work. Prior to SIE, Jessica was with Intuit where she held key roles in the Consumer Tax Group and TurboTax Online Banking capabilities for Intuit. While at Intuit she went to USC’s Marshall School of Business and obtained her MBA, with an emphasis in Globalization.

In addition, Jessica is an active volunteer at her daughter’s school, Vice President of the San Diego Children’s Museum Board, and CEO of the Loving Amber Foundation, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that raises funds and awareness for kids impacted by rare bone marrow and blood disorders.

Panel # 4


Igniting Passion: Unleashing Your Potential and a New Era in Tech


The panel discussion showcased the pivotal role of passion, purpose, and leadership in the tech industry. The panelists’ insights provided valuable lessons on fostering innovation, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion, adapting to change, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, making it an informative and inspiring discussion for both aspiring and seasoned tech leaders.

Stacy Mill

VP of IT and CISO - Run the entire IT Dept and Cybersecurity for Corporate systems
Nashville Electric Service

Stacy Mill is the VP of IT and CISO at Nashville Electric Service, responsible for all IT strategy and execution across corporate systems, including cybersecurity. She has built global teams across several industries and has held leadership roles in the State of Kansas, Spirit AeroSystems, KAR Global, and Yum. Stacy has a background in security and serves on the boards of various organizations. She enjoys spending time with her family and mentoring emerging leaders.

Panel # 4


Igniting Passion: Unleashing Your Potential and a New Era in Tech


The panel discussion showcased the pivotal role of passion, purpose, and leadership in the tech industry. The panelists’ insights provided valuable lessons on fostering innovation, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion, adapting to change, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, making it an informative and inspiring discussion for both aspiring and seasoned tech leaders.

Surbhi Kaul

VP, Global CX
Juniper Networks

With 20 years of experience leading product design, development, and strategy in Fortune 500 companies, Surbhi has built and led product and engineering teams at Google, YouTube, Netflix, and Cisco. She has launched successful products that use AI and machine learning. Currently, Surbhi leads Juniper’s Customer Experience charter, focused on creating omnichannel engagements and ML-based support capabilities. Surbhi has degrees from IIT Kanpur, Texas A&M University, and Harvard Business School. She also leads Global Inclusion & Diversity initiatives at Juniper and supports the IIT community.

Panel # 2


Empowering Journeys: The Path to Tech Executives


The panel discussion is expected to provide a comprehensive view of leadership in the modern corporate landscape, touching upon personal growth, resilience, empowerment, diversity, innovation, and the challenges of digital transformation. The diverse experiences and strategies shared by the panelists will offer valuable insights for both aspiring and current leaders in various industries.

Christine Sarros

SVP, Product Development

Christine has been with Oracle and previously SUN Microsystems for more than 25 years. As Senior Vice President of Oracle’s Enterprise Engineering organization, she is responsible for Oracle’s internal cloud transformation and delivery of multiple cloud services. Her team partners with enterprise and development organizations across the company to evolve on-premises services into native cloud solutions and leads our global migration program. In addition, Christine delivers traditional IT services for our more than 170,000 global employees.

Panel # 3


Women in Leadership: Career Evolution in the Tech Industry


Diverse companies excel, boasting better performance, a knack for attracting top-notch talent, highly engaged employees, and impressive retention rates. Yet, in the tech realm, women still find themselves in the minority. Change, the driving force behind progress, calls for transformation and innovation, which, in turn, rely heavily on diversity. This dynamic forms a continuous cycle, one that particularly highlights the crucial role of women leaders in tech. Women, with their unique perspectives and experiences, have a distinctive lens through which they view and approach challenges, making them trailblazers and innovators.

Sudha Raghavan

SVP, Developer Platform

Sudha is an engineer and product VP in the Oracle Cloud Observability and Developer LifeCycle Services organization. She manages teams that run large scale distributed services used by 1000s of engineers every day. Her inclusive leadership has led to her directs being one of the most diverse teams in Oracle.

She is also a founding committee member of the Oracle Women’s Leadership (OWL), Seattle chapter and runs several mentoring rings. She has an Masters in Computer Science and has worked at Microsoft. She is a goal-driven leader hoping to attract more women into leadership positions.

Panel # 3


Women in Leadership: Career Evolution in the Tech Industry


Diverse companies excel, boasting better performance, a knack for attracting top-notch talent, highly engaged employees, and impressive retention rates. Yet, in the tech realm, women still find themselves in the minority. Change, the driving force behind progress, calls for transformation and innovation, which, in turn, rely heavily on diversity. This dynamic forms a continuous cycle, one that particularly highlights the crucial role of women leaders in tech. Women, with their unique perspectives and experiences, have a distinctive lens through which they view and approach challenges, making them trailblazers and innovators.

Petek Utku

Vice President - OCI Technical Operations

Petek Utku is the Vice President of OCI Technical Operations at Oracle. In this role, Petek drives the pursuit of operational excellence within Enterprise Engineering and OCI cloud classic, ensuring unparalleled support and world-class operations for internal and external customers. Petek is a technology executive with 25+ years of experience who has developed high-growth IT strategies and led global teams in finance, investment, technology, and cloud companies. Prior to joining Oracle, Petek was the Vice President of Global Infrastructure Services at Riverbed Technology, where she headed Enterprise Architecture and Corporate Hybrid Infrastructure. Petek also held senior positions at Barclays Global Investors-BlackRock and Dow Jones.

Panel # 3


Women in Leadership: Career Evolution in the Tech Industry


Diverse companies excel, boasting better performance, a knack for attracting top-notch talent, highly engaged employees, and impressive retention rates. Yet, in the tech realm, women still find themselves in the minority. Change, the driving force behind progress, calls for transformation and innovation, which, in turn, rely heavily on diversity. This dynamic forms a continuous cycle, one that particularly highlights the crucial role of women leaders in tech. Women, with their unique perspectives and experiences, have a distinctive lens through which they view and approach challenges, making them trailblazers and innovators.

Yulia Pavlova

Director Technology Innovation
Thomson Reuters

Yulia Pavlova is the Director of Technology Innovation at Reuters News Agency. With over 10 years of experience in Applied Research and Development, Yulia leads an Applied Innovation lab at Reuters that focuses on AI/ML enhancements and MLOps lifecycle of enterprise products. She develops new technological opportunities to improve the company’s offerings and works cross-functionally with business partners and stakeholders to ensure business and customer impact.

One of her recent achievements is the development of a customer-facing AI tool for Reuters video content that generates automated time-coded transcripts, translation of many languages into English, and identification of public figures. This tool is part of the Reuters Connect service, which offers access to over 600,000 videos, six live streams, and 23 million pictures from Reuters journalists.

Panel # 2


Empowering Journeys: The Path to Tech Executives


The panel discussion is expected to provide a comprehensive view of leadership in the modern corporate landscape, touching upon personal growth, resilience, empowerment, diversity, innovation, and the challenges of digital transformation. The diverse experiences and strategies shared by the panelists will offer valuable insights for both aspiring and current leaders in various industries.

Kirsten Holte

Vice President, Cloud Compliance & Assurance

Kirsten Holte is the Vice President of Cloud Compliance & Assurance at Oracle, where she leads a global team that drives all compliance and assurance programs for Oracle Cloud. Her teams are the “keepers of customer trust” for Oracle Cloud, enabling internal and external customers to meet the needs of highly regulated markets and industries through a portfolio of products and programs that provide visibility into the ever-changing and cutting-edge technologies of a hyperscale cloud. Kirsten has over 20 years of compliance and regulatory experience, including over 10 years in the cloud ecosystem, and is one of the founders of OCI’s cloud assurance journey.

Panel # 3


Women in Leadership: Career Evolution in the Tech Industry


Diverse companies excel, boasting better performance, a knack for attracting top-notch talent, highly engaged employees, and impressive retention rates. Yet, in the tech realm, women still find themselves in the minority. Change, the driving force behind progress, calls for transformation and innovation, which, in turn, rely heavily on diversity. This dynamic forms a continuous cycle, one that particularly highlights the crucial role of women leaders in tech. Women, with their unique perspectives and experiences, have a distinctive lens through which they view and approach challenges, making them trailblazers and innovators.

Grace Song

Data Operations & Governance Director

Jessica Wakefield is the VP of Engineering & Operations at Sony Interactive Entertainment. She leads globally diverse teams who deliver the PlayStation platform facilitating business operations, empowering decision-making, and providing crucial insights for PlayStation products and services. With over 100 million monthly active users, 47 million active subscribers and 15 million daily concurrent users for a $16+ billion-dollar business.

As a site leader and global lead for the Women @ PlayStation eNet/Employee Resource Group (ERG), she is also a notable cultural champion making PlayStation the best place to play and work. Prior to SIE, Jessica was with Intuit where she held key roles in the Consumer Tax Group and TurboTax Online Banking capabilities for Intuit. While at Intuit she went to USC’s Marshall School of Business and obtained her MBA, with an emphasis in Globalization.

In addition, Jessica is an active volunteer at her daughter’s school, Vice President of the San Diego Children’s Museum Board, and CEO of the Loving Amber Foundation, 501 (c)(3) nonprofit that raises funds and awareness for kids impacted by rare bone marrow and blood disorders.

Panel # 4


Igniting Passion: Unleashing Your Potential and a New Era in Tech


The panel discussion showcased the pivotal role of passion, purpose, and leadership in the tech industry. The panelists’ insights provided valuable lessons on fostering innovation, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion, adapting to change, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, making it an informative and inspiring discussion for both aspiring and seasoned tech leaders.

Shatabdi Sharma

VP, Global Application Services

As Ecommerce Director for PVH, I accelerated platform delivery for a shifting eCommerce business. I led tech innovations, compressed delivery timelines, and ensured platform stability. I pioneered the agile DevOps model for packaged Websphere Commerce Suite. I mobilized platform delivery vendors and collaborated with partners to integrate next-gen machine learning solutions. I consolidated vendors, integrations, and technology platforms across PVH brands like Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Speedo. I streamlined technology and platforms across regions to save costs and achieve synergies.

As VP of Application Engineering Services, I built a multi-tenant, scalable, and optimized Application Services Organization. I created efficient support models from complex customized apps to configurable packages like SAP, JDA, Centric, GTNexus, VMS, etc. I shifted from reactive to predictive, flexible, and responsive support, enabling self-correction and auto-healing for repetitive incidents.

Panel # 4


Igniting Passion: Unleashing Your Potential and a New Era in Tech


The panel discussion showcased the pivotal role of passion, purpose, and leadership in the tech industry. The panelists’ insights provided valuable lessons on fostering innovation, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion, adapting to change, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, making it an informative and inspiring discussion for both aspiring and seasoned tech leaders.

Eileen Krepps Page

SVP Digital Innovation
InVision Communications

Eileen leads InVision Communication’s Digital and Technology Innovation team, ensuring that digital activations and experiences are executed to the highest standards. With over 20 years of experience crafting breakthrough digital solutions for Fortune 1000 brands, she combines strategy, creativity, and technical insight to create proprietary technology installations (such as apps and custom CMS), virtual experiences, and digital campaigns for brands like DuPont, Siemens, Amway, Fresenius Kabi, and Oracle.

Panel # 2


Empowering Journeys: The Path to Tech Executives


The panel discussion is expected to provide a comprehensive view of leadership in the modern corporate landscape, touching upon personal growth, resilience, empowerment, diversity, innovation, and the challenges of digital transformation. The diverse experiences and strategies shared by the panelists will offer valuable insights for both aspiring and current leaders in various industries.

Emily Tell

Head of Digital Transformation
Bison & Bird

Head of Digital Transformation at Bison and Bird, a top 15 Canadian professional services start-up, Emily helps companies navigate digital transformation while prioritizing user experience. Emily’s solutions may involve technology, data analysis, process mapping, customer journey maps, and change management tactics. She has won awards for her people-centered solutions and technology adoption rates, including the LinkedIn Talent Award.

Emily is passionate about elevating women in the workplace and helping companies innovate and succeed. She is known for her strategic insights, creative problem-solving, and ability to lighten the mood in any meeting.

Panel # 4


Igniting Passion: Unleashing Your Potential and a New Era in Tech


The panel discussion showcased the pivotal role of passion, purpose, and leadership in the tech industry. The panelists’ insights provided valuable lessons on fostering innovation, empowerment, diversity, and inclusion, adapting to change, overcoming challenges, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, making it an informative and inspiring discussion for both aspiring and seasoned tech leaders.

Charmaine Tang


Charmaine Tang is the President of ORCA AG, a Swiss tech company that helps global families, investment companies, corporates, and other complex entities. ORCA was founded six years ago and has clients in 20 countries. Charmaine is also an advisor to Gore Range Capital, a VC firm based in New York and Dallas, and on the Board of Advisors for Klosebuy, a Florida-based marketing technology platform company. She is based in Dallas, Texas, and is passionate about making the world a better place, especially for women and girls.

Charmaine graduated from NYU with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Accounting and has certificates from Harvard Business School and FIT. She has been recognized for her leadership in business and civic organizations, including the Texas Women’s Foundation Board of Directors and the Dallas Symphony Orchestra Board of Governors.

Panel # 1


Breaking Through: The Journey from Within


This panel discussion will offer valuable insights into the personal journeys of successful tech industry leaders, their strategies for self-confidence and resilience, approaches to embracing change, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and balancing innovation with stability in an ever-evolving industry, serving as a timeless source of practical advice for aspiring professionals in the tech sector.

Jessica Lair

Director of Engineering / COO

After 10 years, I traded in concerts and the maestro for code when I left my life as an opera singer and learned Javascript, HTML, and CSS. Now, I work as a senior leader in technology. Outside of my 9-5, I work on 2 separate things;I am on the professional board of a non-profit in San Francisco that caters to juvenile justice and foster system-involved youth and we provide the tools and support they need in order to get out of the system and stay out of the system. The second is being the COO of an art installation startup, Sonic Sphere. It is a 360-degree spherical concert hall with immersive and spatialized sound technology and a custom lights program leveraging Reaper, LX, javascript, and c#.

Panel # 1


Breaking Through: The Journey from Within


This panel discussion will offer valuable insights into the personal journeys of successful tech industry leaders, their strategies for self-confidence and resilience, approaches to embracing change, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and balancing innovation with stability in an ever-evolving industry, serving as a timeless source of practical advice for aspiring professionals in the tech sector.

Amy Yee

SVP & Chief Digital Transformation Officer
SE Health

As SVP & Chief Digital Transformation Officer at SE Health, Amy leads the development, execution, and delivery of SE Health’s digital strategy. She oversees digital enablement, transformation, IT/IS, and innovation teams. Amy is passionate about transforming healthcare through technology and change. With a degree in electrical engineering, she has a background in venture capital, consulting, and healthcare. Amy is an accomplished speaker and board member, recognized for her innovation and leadership.

Panel # 2


Empowering Journeys: The Path to Tech Executives


The panel discussion is expected to provide a comprehensive view of leadership in the modern corporate landscape, touching upon personal growth, resilience, empowerment, diversity, innovation, and the challenges of digital transformation. The diverse experiences and strategies shared by the panelists will offer valuable insights for both aspiring and current leaders in various industries.

Blair Ethington

VP, Buyer Experience & Focus Categories

Blair is an experienced product leader who has built both consumer and enterprise products reaching 100s of millions users cumulatively for leading companies such as Meta, Sam’s Club/Walmart and eBay. She has grown profitable high-growth startups through acquisition and led multiple Fortune 50 companies through digital transformation and scale. She takes a consumer-focused and data-driven approach to solve problems at scale by building teams and delivering impactful solutions. Blair is excited by the challenges of change management, org design and building teams. She has an in-depth knowledge of commerce, retail, marketplaces, gaming, social media, advertising and finance and a track record of building and managing 100+ person product and engineering teams.

Panel # 1


Breaking Through: The Journey from Within


This panel discussion will offer valuable insights into the personal journeys of successful tech industry leaders, their strategies for self-confidence and resilience, approaches to embracing change, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and balancing innovation with stability in an ever-evolving industry, serving as a timeless source of practical advice for aspiring professionals in the tech sector.

Rebecca Carter

Head of Data Science

Becca Carter has been a hands-on data practitioner and a data leader in different capacities over the past decade. She is currently the Head of Data Science at Gusto and has previously worked at eBay and McKinsey. She earned her PhD from UC Berkeley, studying the evolution and cognition of a group of spiders on the Hawaiian Islands. She’s also passionate about prison reform and co-founded a nonprofit called Bonafide that helps people return to society following lengthy prison sentences.

Panel # 1


Breaking Through: The Journey from Within


This panel discussion will offer valuable insights into the personal journeys of successful tech industry leaders, their strategies for self-confidence and resilience, approaches to embracing change, promoting diversity and inclusivity, and balancing innovation with stability in an ever-evolving industry, serving as a timeless source of practical advice for aspiring professionals in the tech sector.